Are you something of an adrenaline junkie?

If you are someone who loves to live life to the extreme, you may as well put your thrill-seeking ways to effective use, and one option you have open to you is to engage in fundraising ideas that excite you. Not all fundraisers have to be coffee mornings or bake sales!

If you are a thrill seeker and looking for ways to raise funds for your favourite charity, read on! Why jog for your chosen charity when you can skydive?

Fundraising Ideas For Thrillseekers

Table of Contents


Skydiving is one of the best ways you can both raise money for charity and have an exciting time. Of course, it’s not advised if you are afraid of heights, and you will need to ensure that you attend the training sessions beforehand, as this is not for the fainthearted!

Skydiving for charity is usually set up so that the cost of renting the equipment, paying the team, and hiring the plan goes to the charity. You can expect to have to pay a bit more here, but it is for a worthy cause! Lots of charities opt for skydiving as a straightforward way to raise funds, so head to if you want to know more about this option should you want to raise funds for cancer charities.

Desert Treks

Are you someone who can handle the heat? Why not put that to the test by taking part in a Desert trek for charity?

There are many treks available for you to take part in, such as the Sahara Desert Trek. Of course, you will have a guide with you, and these treks are usually undertaken in large groups. Don’t worry! Those leading the trek will have a radio to call for help, and, of course, there are warm-up (no pun intended) courses to take before you undertake this activity.

It’s fun, it’s unusual, and it is certainly not something you will do every day!

Mountain Climbing

On the other side, if you are not a fan of the heat but aren’t too fussed by the cold, it can be worth looking into mountain climbing for charity. There are options from climbing Ben Nevis, all the way to climbing Kilimanjaro for charity, which you can undertake in the name of your choice fundraiser. As with the trek through the desert, you will have a guide to help you, and there are courses and training exercises you should take part in before you do this, but, once you are out there in the wilderness embracing nature, you will be thrilled beyond belief!

Skiing or Snowboarding

Many people associate fundraising for charities with the warmer seasons, but why do you have to give up on fundraising just because it’s cold?

Yes, you can even raise money for charity via skiing and snowboarding. Professional skiing and snowboarding companies have created training packages, so you won’t be hitting the slopes blind. This is to ensure that you enjoy yourself and, of course, that you are safe. 

Authors Bio

Lizzie Reynell-O’Brien graduated with an MSc in Clinical Psychology from Goldsmiths University. She started her small writing company, Just Write, in 2018, writing solely about mental health diagnostics in the NHS. She is passionate about writing as an art form, and when she’s not typing, you will find her walking her two rescue Jack Russells or in her garden planting wildflowers.

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