*Easy 5 minute read with 12 tips for making the most of staying home*
I sure I can speak for many of us by saying at the start of the year we all thought that 2020 would be our year, however, after just three months the world seems to have gone on a little bit of a downward spiral. With the recent pandemic hitting the headlines almost every hour of the day and more and more countries closing their borders, it seems a little staycation is what we all need to keep the spirits high and wanderlust suitably watered.
We’re not here to tell you any facts or myths about the virus and we really encourage you to do your own research into that following credible sources. It’s a completely new and unknown world for us all right now and the number of myths we’ve read being busted by the World Health Organisation is crazy. Seriously, where do these tales even come from?!
It’s a period of uncertainty for us all and whilst full-time travel may not be on the cards for us for a few months, it’s time to get stuck into some staycation tips for those of us that are unable to travel. Let’s make 2020 the year of the Staycation and let’s make the most of our own beautiful home countries like never before.
12 Tips to Make the Most of Your Staycation
Get Creative in the Kitchen
If you are self-isolating and are stuck inside all day long, then this is the perfect time to get creative in the kitchen. With a whole range of platforms for you to get inspiration and recipes ideas from, such as Pinterest, Youtube and even right here on our website, you will not struggle for new and delicious food ideas.
I know the shelves have been cleared and it’s a tough job getting any food, never mind your usual groceries, but how about using this as a chance to get creative in the kitchen. You may have some staples in your cupboard or you may have a combination of foods that you wouldn’t have thought of cooking together.
This is the year to become a masterchef and wow your friends and family with the whole range of delicious, nutritious food tat you can rustle up.
If you need some extra inspiration, have a read at our recipe book for cooking in a campervan.

Online Learning
Online learning is a great way to feel like you are still being productive during this period of uncertainty. It can help you to keep some structure if your life by balancing your hours of study and your hours of play, and by the end, you will have gained a mountain of new knowledge.
We recently completed the TEFL online teaching course which has now given us the qualification to work as English teachers. This is a great option for if you are ever thinking of quitting your full time job to travel and still want to maintain a reliable income.

Learn a new Language
It seems like the way the world is going at the moment we will never need another language bar our own, however, these lockdowns will lift one day and we will be back to travelling like we once were. When that time comes, you could be perfectly fluent in another language.
Using free applications, such as Dualingo, are an excellent and easy to use resource for learning a new language. If you want to invest a bit of money in your learning as well, there are even better paid apps that you can use, or you can learn face to face online with a mentor on Skype.
Set Off on a Camping Trip
If you aren’t required to self-isolate, maybe this could be the time for a camping trip. Head off into the middle of nowhere with your necessities and embrace the outdoors. Camping trips are liberating and enlightening, and best of all, they are also very cheap. Make the most of your home country this summer and spend some time in the great outdoors.
Maybe if a tent is a little bit too rough for you, why not buy a campervan? Campervan travel is a step up from camping and if you are planning on travelling your home country, this is the best way to do it. After reading our adventures in our little Roxy van you might be tempted to invest in a mobile home of your own.
If you need some tips for camping for free, then check out our full guide to wild camping.

Become a Tourist in Your Home Town
When you can’t travel out-with your home country due to travel bans, then this year is the perfect time for exploring your own capital city. Becoming a tourist in your own hometown is one of the best ways to rediscover and fall in love with your home country.
Spend the weekend in your nearest city and act as if you have just arrived for the first time. See the main tourist sights and learn the history of the city. Eat at the fancy restaurant and try the local street food. Reall soak up all of the sights that you are usually too busy to enjoy as you rush to work.
Being a tourist in your hometown doesn’t mean doing anything that involves too much human contact. Even just enjoying your own self-guided walking tour is a fantastic way to see a completely different side of the city. It is very common for us to usually be in too much of a hurry to slow down and appreciate the sights, smells and sounds of our home city, so make this the year you slow down and take in your surroundings.

Be Amongst Nature
Getting out and about in nature is a great way to zone away from the crazy online world that makes us fearful. Take a trip to the mountains or head off for a local hill walk. Even just enjoying a walk outdoors in your local park is a fantastic way to remove yourself from the current climate. The fresh air will clear your mind and moving your body is a great way to relieve any stress and anxiety.

Practice Your DIY Skills
It’s a good time now to stop with the excuses and get on with the DIY around the house that you’ve been putting off. Spend some time on Pinterest creating new mood boards and give your rooms in the house a new look.
Once again, there is a whole world of tutorials and walkthroughs on the internet, such as on Youtube and Pinterest, meaning DIY is easier than ever to practice. Get your house looking sleek and modern during your time at home and learn skills that will be useful for years to come.
Meet Your Goals for the Year
Whether you have to self isolate or you’ve had to cancel your holiday, how about using the time you have off to really give your all into the goals you set at the start of the year. Sit down with a notebook and pen and decide what you would like to achieve, as well as the best and most realistic route you will take.
Break your mammoth, pipedream goal (such as becoming the best and most relatable travel website in the world) down into more achievable, bite-sized chunks. This way your goals will seem less daunting and you will be more likely to succeed in them. This is a common technique used in all areas of business, sport and personal growth and has been proven to work.
When working on my goals I usually follow the SMART criteria; specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and timely. By incorporating all of these criteria you will have a higher chance of reaching your goal.

Master the Home Workout
Although gyms across the world are closing, that doesn’t mean we need to stop working out. Home workouts can be a great alternative and there are many free examples and routines to follow online. Try different styles of working out, whether it be Tabata or yoga, and move your body in a new and exciting way.
If you need a boost of motivation, how about video calling your friend that you usually work out with and doing it together. It is still possible to keep your body and mind fit and healthy in 2020 even without a gym.
Sell your Unwanted Belongings
Spending so much time in your house is eventually going to lead to a good old Spring cleaning. Why not take all of the old junk you have been gathering and make a bit of a profit from it?
Selling old belongings is not only kinder to our planet but can also be a big boost to your bank balance. Previously we have loved attending car boot sales as it has saved the hassle with postage and packaging, however, if your local car boot sales have been postponed, it’s time to start looking into selling online.
Whether you want to use Facebook Marketplace, Depop or eBay, selling on your unwanted bits and pieces will be worth the effort when you see your bank balance grow and your wardrobe empty.
Start a Blog or Journal
Have you ever thought about starting an online blog but thought that it’s too time-consuming to start? Well now is the perfect time to start! Whether you want to improve your writing skills or photography and videography skills, no time is better than the present to start learning.
Comfortable, cosy and practical. Everything we could ever need.
Reach out to Loved Ones
In a world of social media, we are so lucky that we can reach out to loved ones online. By video calling friends and family it can be just like you are sitting in the same room as them. At a time where many people are self-isolating, it’s important that we take the time to reach out to those around us and ask if they are okay. Spread some positivity and kindness will make this world feel less lonely and ensure we all get through this together
It is also the perfect time to have some cheap date nights with your partner or friends at home. Save on the big bucks and cook a simple, delicious meal to be enjoyed in the comfort of your own home.

Use it as a Year to Double Your Savings
Which leads nicely onto our last tip; Treat this as a time to save money.
If you are not able to go out and socialise as much as you would have used to or not able to buy tickets to your favourite sporting events then instead put that money towards your savings. When all of this is over with you will no doubt be excited to head out and treat yourself to new shoes or a glamorous getaway, so use this time to save up for a big spend later.
Download our free budget planner to help you budget your life and save up those pennies.

So there you have it, 12 tips to make the most of your Staycation in 2020. This is definitely going to be the year for falling in love with your home country, so make the most of your time at home with our handy guide. If you have any other ideas for Staycationing let us know in the comments section below. We love to chat about this sort of thing.
If you found this article useful be sure to share it with your family and friends to inspire them to make the most of their own Staycation this year. Sharing is caring and we always appreciate it.
If you want to read more travel tips and guides, check out these sections on our website. Catch up with us on social media to see where we currently are and tag us in your staycation photos so we can share them with our community.
Now Read:
- Being a Tourist in your Home Town
- Cheap Date Night Ideas – Romance on a Budget
- Travel the World – Money Saving Tips
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